Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tummy troubles

Well we got to primary children's yesterday about noon after a couple days of finley severely vomiting, not eating and becoming increasingly more lethargic. it really never occurred to me that we would be spending a couple days here. so I was completely unprepared to stay after 8 hours of kicking out heels in the er. Now we are cozied up on the fourth floor and crossing all our appendages that we will be going home tomorrow.
Mr. finley was do dehydrated when we got here that it took a few pokes to get an iv started and the nurses pointed out that he had no tears when he cried. But after a an entire day of fluid he finally started perking up around three am and actually wanted to eat and he has been just getting better ever since. so they just came in and turned off his iv and now they want to see how well he does without it for 24 hours. I'm just so happy he is making noises and rooting around something he stopped doing around thursday.
So keep little fin in your prayers and hopefully this will all be behind us by tuesday.


Kandace said...

Oh my heck! The second I saw that picture of him, I was like...wait a second...I know those blankets and cribs. Good garbage girl! We are SO SO SO SO SO SO SO Sorry!!!! Sick babies are NO fun, and Sick babies in the NICU (or something FAR to close to resembling a NICU) are the pits. We are all too familiar with those monitors. But from the looks of his stats, it looks like the Fin is being a little trooper and doing pretty dang good! His oxygen levels are primo and his respiratory waves look about as regular as they come! sad it is that I know that. If you need me to I could come and change out his oxygen lead on his foot, no sweat. Poor little guy, he is in our prayers! As are you! What do you need? If you aren't out of there by tomorrow I'm bringing you an entire hospital survival bag. AUGH breaks my heart! We love you guys!!! Hang in there. Call if you need ANYTHING!

Alexis Poelman said...

So sorry to hear this. Nothing worse than seeing your baby in pain. We're praying for your little Finn.

Madison Grunig said...

He is such a perfect, precious little sweetie. I hope he perks back up all the way and you guys can be a happy family at HOME rather than the hospital. We'll keep you all in our prayers.