Friday, March 11, 2011


genevieve has the cutest little habit
that is so uniquely hers it drives me crazy.
i love it.
Although, she may not look a whole lot like me
she did pick up a few genetics from my side.
I have a whole family filled with odd little quirks and habits
my dad unwinds with a nice crisp pillow case or better known as his "woobie" and tortures the corners
my brother always has a finger on a silky tag rubbing it softly between his fingers
my cousins and aunt have "tickle" 20 something year old rain coats that they tickle themselves with
other relatives like to crinkle newspapers etc.etc.
i love my snag... j.c.'s baby blanket that snags all of my hangnails just right aaaahhh.
genevieve has her blankey.
soft little swaddling blankets that she snuggles up with and softly tickles the bottom of her nose...
the sweet spot. right where her binky ends.

i hope she keeps it forever.
not much else gets cuter than that.

what is your weird quirk that helps you sleep?


Chiles Times said...

I have a "carebear blankie" that I used to make corners out of and rub on my cuticles. Yep, still cant sleep without it! :)

Stephers said...

All my kids have woobies... we have called it woobie forever. I love it. They are actually cloth diapers and they have to have them every night before they fall asleep. Bailey hasn't quite caught on to the cloth diapers, but she takes any of her blankets and sucks on them just before falling asleep! She is our only little munchkin that has not taken a binkie... Love it.

amberschick said...

Avery did that EXACT thing with the crochet ends of her blanek till she was 3 1/2! She would tickle her little nose till she fell asleep. She called the corners of her blanket her "tickietoo". I miss it...

Alexis Poelman said...

that's precious! ryder loves to work the corners of his blankies too. he rubs them against his cheek. lol, it cracks me up. and we're soo excited for a girl! but i know what you mean about being intimidated! i grew up with four sisters, but for some reason having ryder makes me feel unsure about how we'll handle a girl. can't wait to see what it's like! xoxo

Toni said...

That is adorable, I love those things that my kids have like that. I have them too, but if I told you you might make fun :)
Let's hang out this week, dinner? Sewing? Both. Yes. Sign me up.