Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm dreaming of blue.

I have to be honest
seeing a little penis on the ultra sound wasn't my best moment.
I was so sure "he" was a "she"
I was hit with a sense of loss .
Let me try to explain...
I realized then that
I probably won't be completely wrapped up in his life
the way a daughter usually allows her mother.
He probably won't give me every detail of his first kiss
his first date
his first dance
his first love
I probably won't be there for the birth of his children
(I just might be that annoying "mother in law")
he probably won't particularly care that I saved his hospital hat
or documented his every moment the way a daughter would.

When I saw his little boy parts on the screen
the first thing that popped into my head
is a saying my mom always uses:
"a daughter is a daughter for life,
a son is a son until he takes a wife"

some part of that really rings true.
Most men (not all) are not as attached to their families, their mothers as a woman.
I thought about all the things I would be excluded from...

But what was more heart breaking was the fact 
I didn't give Genevieve the one thing in the world I want most...
a sister.

I had to put away the idea of me pulling out Genevieve's
pink onsies, soft sweet shoes, bows and bracelets.
The idea of two little girls holding hands,
sharing dollies,
wearing spring dresses,
late night giggling drifting down from their room
curls and frills
and began creating new dreams for this new little person.

Although, a boy is such a very big change
I am adjusting
and with each passing day I get more excited.
I try to imagine the details of his little face
the color of his hair
I think of the days when he will be standing
only in his underwear and a cape trying to save the world
days when he promises to marry me when he grows up
bug collections
match box cars
tool belts
little boy kisses
dirty feet
sweaty hair
bow ties
cowboys and indians
guns and swords
These days I'm dreaming of blue.

I can't wait.


Kathryn said...

Kenzie-I can totally relate to your feelings when you found out. It would be fun to have 2 of the same, but all the reasons you listed, and many more, make little boys so precious. My boy are so very sweet to me, and while it may not stay that way forever, there is NOTHING like a Mama's boy. You will have so much fun with him, and Geneveive will LOVE her brother.

Tara said...

I love this post! You are so sweet but let me tell you from experience I have a boy and a girl and the two are so different yet so fun at the same time! Having a boy is a whole different experience but all those things you listed do happen my son always tells me he is going to marry me and never leave me. Its the cutest thing ever. Good luck with the boy! They truly are a fun experience!

Vicki said...

You will LOVE having a little boy, I promise. I love that you can be so honest. I felt the same way when I found out what Kayson was. I wanted a little girl so badly but I have to admit I am a little jealous that you have one of each. Congrats. Do you guys have names picked out?

Madison Grunig said...

I'm so excited for you to have a little guy. They are so much fun!

Josh and Becca said...

Loved this post. So sweet. I can totally picture your little boy as the one in the picture. :) It'll be fun.

Watts Family said...

I love how honest you are!!
Boys are so much fun, but saying that I felt the same way when we found out Owen was a boy because I really wanted a girl. But it's so much fun having one of each.

me and him said...

that is the cutest little boy stuff. do share where you found it.

Tyler and Shelley said...

uhh...I didn't even know you were pregnant. Congrats! You'll love little boys. Mine is such a Mama's boy and a huge cuddler. LOVE IT!

Jessica Kettle said...

i'm sooooo excited for all the boyness headed your way! i think i told you i was NOT excited about having a boy while i was preggers with max- i was super nervous! but now i LOVE having a boy. and even though a girl will be your bff, she can also be your estrogen fest enemy. there's something about the way a wild little boy needs his mom that will just MELT you into a million pieces!!

all the boy stuff is SO cute. where are the bow ties from?! oh, and i've been wanting a giant one of that sarah jane print (the lion one) foreeeever!! one day...