Monday, March 8, 2010


with our new house and moving i have fallen a bit behind.
So in the near future you will be reading all about:
Genevieve at 20 weeks
Pictures of our new house
Genevieve's 5 month letter
and somethings that inspire me.

but for now I leave you with a proud moment...

today genevieve was left on her back on the floor to play.  after a few minutes I heard some fussing so I came to see what was the matter.  my wonderfully, brilliant daughter scooted about 15 feet and rolled from her back to her stomach in which I found her in scoot position.
I couldn't believe it...
she has been rolling from her stomach to her back for about a month now but she has only made it a few times from her back to her stomach. 
Today was a milestone for all of us.
and the only word that rings in my head...

1 comment:

Madison Grunig said...

They grow up so fast! It is bittersweet, but she'll get more and more fun as time goes on.