Friday, January 8, 2010

3 Months

Genevieve or also lovingly called "monkey", "monster", "Genevievie" or "Miss Genevievre"...

You are 3 months old today and I can hardly believe I have a daughter, a little best friend and a constant reminder of my purpose on earth.  These last 3 months have felt like an eternity but at the same time gone by in the blink of an eye.  You will understand when you have your own children how exciting it is to watch them grow but at the same time how sad it is to leave the past behind.  However, here we are, while I type you sit on my lap, cooing and eating your hands and I can't help but feel content with the world around me.  Motherhood has been the hardest responsiblity I have ever taken on but also the most rewarding.  I wish I was more eloquent with words to explain to you how I feel but the very best I can do is to tell you every day how much I love you.  I love you.


My favorite things about being  your mom are:

Looking into your crib every morning to a great big smile
Your feathery hair tickling my face
Bathing you each night
Rocking you to sleep
Kissing your chubby, soft cheeks
Holding you tight against my chest
Making you laugh and smile
Watching you learn new things
Seeing you with your daddy
Being the only one who can stop your crying
Knowing you realize who I am now

My not so favorite things that come with being a mom:

The constant worrying
Waking up occasionaly at night
Staying home when I want to go out
Sucking boogies
Watching you cry
Feeling unqualified, illequiped, unworthy
Colds and ear infections
And the many sacrifices

The Many Things that Make you a 3 month Old:

You found your hands... they are constantly in prayer positon or in your mouth (I must admit this is the cutest thing I have ever seen)
You found your feet they are constantly up and down while you lay on your back
You found your giggle, however it is difficult to come by so daddy and I really have to earn it
Your such a flirt.  You smile at everyone and give a bashful grin and bat your eyes
You can sit up with little assitance
You can hold your head up although you look somewhat like a drunken sailor
You can hold your rattles but they have yet to make it to your mouth
You still HATE tummy time but mommy's working on it
You can roll from your side to your back to your other side which makes it impossible to keep your head round
You have come up with this new cry that sounds almost as if your talking and sounds a little like "mamamamama, nananana"  this has to be the second cutest thing you do.
You have also come up with this ear piercing scream that you usually provide us with if you aren't feeling good or your in your car seat which is really the least cutest thing you do.
You have a little rats tail in the back of your head that I have to keep trimming
Your wearing 3 month and 3-6 month clothes
You have what we lovingly call an "onion head"- big with a little bit of hair sticking out the top
You now know who mommy is and mommy is quick to soothe
You have officially been babysat by Grandpa Randy and Auntie Julie
12 lbs and growing

All in all it has been a difficult but exciting month watching you experience new and different things and it amazes me how my love for you continues to grow and grow.


Tiffany Graham said...

I love how each month you write a letter to Evie and say what she is doing then. I sure want to see your cute baby in person.

AngiDe said...

Awe that picture of her is ADORABLE!!!! And that one of her little foot with the sand on it.... oh I'm just loving it!!! She is so sweet!

Madison Grunig said...

She is so absolutely precious. I mean it, what a doll! I could just eat her up she's so dang cute!