Monday, May 11, 2009

Change of Dates...

I don't know if anyone noticed but my pregnancy ticker has rewound a few days. I had my "official" ultra sound Friday and they confirmed my due date. My due date is no longer October 3 but October 7. I am a little disappointed because I have been counting down the days religiously but hopefully she will suprise us and just come early.
I promise to update with ultra sound pictures and a life overview in the days to come.


Randi said...

Hunter's due date is Dec. 22 and he was born Dec. 3. Reagan's due date was Oct.3 and she was born Sept. 22. So it definately happens!! I will be rooting for you!! Hope all is well. Keep your updating.

Joe and Raylene said...

Oh great now we have to go buy a new calendar and remark the count down. No more changing the dates!
How is the apartment coming along? Good luck you two.

LOVE said...

For your sake, I hope she comes early! I can't wait for an update.

Tyler and Shelley said...

that's no big deal. She might come by your first due date anyways!