Monday, October 13, 2008

Who's Excited For.....

Twilight HD Exclusive Trailer


Unknown said...

ME ME!! I am so excited! Only a few more weeks:) Oh and I forgot about how skinny we that would be nice huh? Size 2, wow! Well, keep up the blogging cause I am looking!

Unknown said...

Heck yes I’m excited for his movie! I loved the books! Lets try and hangout soon maybe we could carve pumpkins together.

Much love

Joni and Rico Adams said...

oh I am for sure! They have changed the release date and now I'm not sure when it comes out! I think its in November now instead of December. Any thoughts or knowledge on this that you can share?

Becky said...

Hey Kenz! I tagged you on my blog, check it out for the details.

Kristi said...

Kenzie: Yes, the vinyl expressions DO come off. Very easily infact. They are wonderful because they are SO easy to put up and they stay very well but when you're ready to take them down they are very easy to remove. Any more questions feel free to ask!

Watts Family said...

I can't wait! I hope that I will be able to see it opening night. Miss you guys.