Sunday, October 12, 2008

Eagle Eye

This weekend Joe and I along with our great friends Joe and Raylene headed out in the cold weather to eat Italian food and see Eagle Eye. We always have a good time with the Billings!
Movie Critique:
Story line is a little hoaky but who cares about a story line when the movie is so intense and the acting is darn good. I had to unclench my fists after the movie. If your up for a good action thriller then two thumbs way up.


Unknown said...

Ok I saw your post about no one leaving comments so I guess I better leave one so you don't quit blogging! I like reading your blog, youare such a funny girl! It reminds me of our 8th grade French Class...remember that? And also I watched your wedding slideshow and your wedding was amazing!! Everything was so nice and fancy!

Joni and Rico Adams said...

I love movie reviews! Thanks, I think I might just go see this. It's a toss up this weekend for this movie or "The secret Life of Bees" I have read the book and LOVED it.