Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The day my first baby girl was placed on my chest was the beginning of something new for me.  My world changed in one moment.  I was no longer a girl but a mother.  A title I would carry for the rest of my life.  What I have learned as a mother is some days are hard, some moments are more tender than I could have ever imagined and the feeling of your child in your arms and their breath on your cheek is irreplaceable.  I am honored to be apart of this exclusive club called motherhood.
Now after almost three years since my first mothers day I am in awe of the magnitude of my calling.  Each day I look for ways inwardly, from heaven and from others to help me be a better mother and fulfill my roll to the best of my abilities.  Luckily, I am surrounded by amazing women who thrive in their rolls as mothers and each day strive to be better mothers, sisters, neighbors, friends and daughters of their heavenly father.  I am blessed beyond measure to know each of these women and call them my friends.  Everyday I thank the Lord that Joe and I had open hearts and minds and listened to the strong promptings to move here, in this little blue house, surrounded by people who not only have the title of neighbors but who have also become family.

Happy Mothers Day.

1 comment:

Madison Grunig said...

What a great post and sweet video! How'd you get so awesome to be in that?! Being a mom is the best and hardest thing I've ever done.