Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the weekend.

i'm not going to tell you what a pain genevieve was.
no, i'm not.
or the fact that while a complete stranger watched Fin I had to climb into the bounce house
and drag her out by her feet all while she was kicking and screaming.
no, i'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves.
we had a lovely time...

our ghetto version of the double stroller.

we got a few smiles



Liz Jessop Wortley said...

I'd never know she was being a stinker from those pictures:) Look how cute she is! Sounds like a fun weekend (minus crawling into the bounce house :) haha)

Watts Family said...

How much fun!
And if you guys ever need to borrow a stroller please come and get one. I seriously have about a million of them:)

Madison Grunig said...

I'm sorry she was a pill, but she's still so darn cute!

Tiffany Graham said...

Ha ha. We do the same thing with our stroller. I'm surprised it has lasted through Ben, Gavin, and Deziree.

Life is sure interesting with kids.