Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Push Present

yes please.
definition: a present provided for pushing out a baby.


found here: etsy

found here: etsy

wouldn't this or something of this nature 
be lovely with Little Boy's birth date printed on it.



Josh and Becca said...

I love the concept of this whole post. You are so funny! I love any reason to get a gift. :) I'm thinking my push present would be the baby!!!

Randi said...

I have never heard of these! They are so cute, though. You are getting so close! You look so cute. I know here I am on blogger out of the blue. I never have a min to myself lately but I am finally starting to update. And do you have a FB still? I accidentally erased a few people when James and I combined accounts. And then on top of that my account started to erase my friends. It was some application I added and it was a hacker. Anywho. I have been slowly adding people back. If you do please try to find me.