Monday, March 15, 2010

21 Weeks

and today was the first day I had to discipline GENEVIEVE (if that is what you would call it).

The morning went a little like this...
yummy sweet potatoes
screaming because mom's not hurrying fast enough
insistent on holding the spoon and touching the food
mom not such a fan and refuses GENEVIEVE this pleasure
GENEVIEVE still insistent
so... mom holds GENEVIEVE'S hand down
GENEVIEVE goes nuts,
spits food everywhere,
 and throws what is probably not her last fit.
in the end
mom won, we don't play with our food!


Mindy said...

You're so dang cute Kenz! I'm leaving out of town this weekend. But when are we going to do Genevieve's pictures? Set a date and we'll make it happen! Love you! :)

Vicki said...

Oh my gosh, look at those eyes...She is beautiful! Yes, we have to get together soon! Tim is gone for a while but let's do it when he gets back. Are you on Facebook?

Whitney S. said...

Super cute!!! She is just so adorable!!!

Jessica said...

she is so pretty! i love her eyes!

Tyler and Shelley said...

Don't worry, I'm a worse parent. London had a 45 min epic tantrum at church. Not know what to do after 1 1/2 hours of this and coming home, I threw her in the shower, clothes and all, with freezing cold water. Beat ya! Needless to say, she stopped her tantrum.

Tyler + Jess said...

Just look at how cute she is!!

Madison Grunig said...

She's still so cute, tantrum and all.