Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 Months

My Little Girl,

I still miss looking in the mirror and seeing my belly stretched and tight with your little body inside.  At night I miss feeling you toss and turn with hiccups and kicks.  When I lie awake (while your daddy snores)  I think about the journey you and I have made over the past 11 months.  I still find it hard to believe that last year at this exact same time I never had an inkling that my life would be so different one year later.  In 11 months you have grown from just a tiny little cell to a smiling, cooing, baby with the sweetest spirit that I have ever known. In the same amount of time I have grown from a self centered girl to a self less (I try) mother.  In my wildest dreams I could have never prepared for motherhood and the joys and sorrows that come with this great title.   However, now I can better understand my own mom's love for me and my Heavenly Fathers love for all of us.  I don't know why but Heavenly Father has intrusted me with your little spirit and growing body and when the doctor layed you on my chest for the first time and you looked into my eyes I knew the reason why I was born.  You are the reason I am here.  Your sweet smile reminds me of the blessing of sight.  Your tiny hums and coos remind me how blessed I am to hear.  Your soft cuddles and nudges remind me to slow down and enjoy every moment because tomorrow will be today and I will never get back what we have...

Love you forever, like you for always,
as long as your living my baby you'll be... Mommy

2 Month Stats
10 lbs 3 oz. 50th percentile
23 1/4 inces 90th percentile
Head 75th percentile
Weight to Height Ratio: 0 percentile
Overall: tall and skinny, happy and healthy

In the last month we have had to sadly say goodbye to a few things that made you a newborn and hello to a few characteristics that make you a baby.

We said goodbye to...

Middle of the night feedings
Baths in the sink
Just any old binky
Nights in your swing
A round beautiful head

and hello to...

11 hour nights 10:00pm-9:00am
coos, giggles and smiles
eye contact
stronger head
sleeping in your cradle
new hair
3 month clothing
strong preference to a particular brand of binky
A flat head

Genevieve's Favorites are:

Jungle time (floor mat with animals)
Chattering away with anyone who will listen
Humming no matter what she is doing: eating, sleeping, playing
Bath time
Walks in her sling with mommy (even in 16 degree weather)
Swinging during nap time
Being swaddled tight before sleeping
A bed time routine
"Baby Mine" sung right before bed
Sleeping on her back
Warm bottles: at least 20 seconds in the microwave
Avent binkies
Simulac formula
Her Baby Wise routine kept consistent

Genevieve's not so favorite things:

Tummy time
The carseat
Getting out of the bath
Loud sudden noises
Loosing her binky
Luke warm bottles
Getting her boogies sucked out
Getting dressed
Poopy diapers
Too many people holding her


Joni and Rico Adams said...

It's great to see you keeping track of your little ones small progressions and growth. She will love reading back on this. :)

Joe and Raylene said...

How precious! So much happens in just a short time! How crazy!!

Madison Grunig said...

What a cute post, and a cute mom and a cute baby! Isn't being a mom the best?!