Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sick... Sick... Sick...

I am sick of being SICK! It has been officially 3 or so weeks since the madness began: Coughing, hacking, weezing, sniffling, aches and pains, sore throat, fevers and sweats. It has been 7 days since I have left my bed... the diagnosis: sinus and ear infection! I was put on an antibiotic Monday and I slept through the rest of the week not getting better notta zilch nothing, in fact even WORSE! Today I was put on a super strength antibiotic and I can proudly say I think (knock very hard on wood) that I am feeling a bit better! I actually made it to the table for dinner, that is really saying a lot. Now that the end is in sight I vow from here on out to: #1. Drink more water. #2. Get plenty of sleep (which means no procrastinating homework assignments). #3. Stop biting my nails (can you imagine all the germs I get from chewing on my hands?). #4. Exercise and eat right. and last but not least #5. Take my vitamins. I have to say this really calls for a life change. Every year during each semester I come down with something horrible that is just how my stress manifests itself. And every year I loose at least a week or two of my life. 6 months ago it was bronchitis, last Christmas it was the stomach flue, the Christmas before that Pneumonia. From here on out things are going to be different (cross my fingers).


Joni and Rico Adams said...

Oh my! I'm sorry you have been under the weather. That is so horrible! Fluids, Fluids, Fluids. That's what my dear old pop always tells me, and optomism! Get better soon.

Madison Grunig said...

Miserable. Sorry you're feeling so crappy. Hope it goes away soon.