Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Rules:
Link the person who tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same. Leave a comment to let them know. Quirk #1: I have a "woobie". For those of you who don't know what a "woobie" is let me explain. A blanket or lovie that you have had since you were a very small child and still need to sleep with it. However, my "woobie" takes on a whole other form. My "woobie" is called "snag"....my blanket has material on the back that snags my hang nails and dry skin on my hands and man oh man am I in heaven. It drives Joe crazy because I can't sleep without it and I am always rubbing my fingers while I sleep. What can I say I have been doing it since I was a baby! Quirk #2: Speaking of old habits.... I HAVE to check for spiders, bugs, hair, lint at the bottom of my bed every night before I can slip my feet in. It has become more than just a nightly ritual it is an obsession... Joe has tried to keep me from looking and I will admit I have a complete melt down and there will be no sleep with out my nightly rituals. Quirk #3: I have nightly rituals that I MUST do in a certain order or I can't go to bed. They are mundane things but they have to be done in order and all of them must be done or I can't sleep. I know what a freak! I promise you it drives Joe absolutely nuts. Quirk #4: I can't use the same towel twice.... it just grosses me out! Along with, I can't share bars of soap, towels or pillows with Joe. And if I take a shower at night I have to have clean sheets before I get into bed, anyways sheets should be changed one to two times a week. Wow! Do I sounds high maintenance. (As a side note: I can camp and be completely fine) Quirk #5: I have really low blood pressure so whenever I stop moving I start counting sheep. Joe has counted and I can fall asleep in 2 breaths. Quirk #6: I hate hair! Hate it... if its my own its okay and if its on your head its okay but as soon as it has fallen from its place and has landed in my drain, shower curtain or floor I am completely grossed out. I am sorry I could keep on going! I must just be really quirky. Anyways, I would love to know all about Madison, Carissa, Raylene, Becca, Mindy and Krista... go on ladies I tagged you. Be good sports and play the game. I had to!


Joe and Raylene said...

Haha!! You are hilarious Kenzie! I totally have a woobie too!! I packed it away once i got married..but i slept with it everyday up to that point!!!

Madison Grunig said...

We are very similar, my dear! I have super low blood pressure, I will NOT share my towel or pillow with Keith, and I have my nightly rituals that must be done in ORDER before I go to bed. I would so do this tag (even after the grief I gave you about tags), but I've already done this exact one a couple months ago so I would bore my readers to do it twice!

Jordan said...

You are not alone with the woobie thing. But mine is pretty bad. I cant wash it cause it would fall apart! There is no more batting, just a thin layer of care bear fabric that you cant see anymore. I have to sleep with it by my face. It grosses Spencer out!