Monday, March 10, 2008

Alcoholics Anonoymous

Yes, thats right I went to my first AA meeting. No, I am not an alcoholic but it was a requirement for my drug addiction class. Let me tell you how nervous i was... Joe was good enough to go with me and boy did I try to use him to hide. It was in a little room above Spankys in Colonial Square. The room was full, hot, smoky and there was a lot of "Hi, my name is Bob (names edited for confidentiality purposes) and I'm an alcoholic" "Hi Bob". Besides all that it was almost like a sacrament meeting. There was a lot of testimonies, tears and to my surprise it was very spiritual. I was surprised by the camaraderie and spirituality that filled the meeting. It was a unique but good experience. Wow....

1 comment:

Madison Grunig said...

What an interesting experience! I'm glad you went with a good attitude and had a decent time.